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маркированный список

Firm style

маркированный список

A trade mark or the trademark

маркированный список

A Web-site


Creation of firm style

Firm style (corporate identity) - set of the receptions providing uniform style to actions of firm and its products. It is the powerful tool, capable to save means for promotion due to recognition of its activity, including advertising means. Firm style allows to allocate and oppose the goods, services of firm on a background of competitors.

Creation of firm style of the company - especially individual process. Style is made of separate components which full list looks impressively enough. 


1. Creation of firm style: base elements of style

1.1. Firm colors

1.1.1. Palette CMYK;

1.1.2. Palette RGB;

1.2. A trade mark

1.2.1. Standard display;

1.2.2. Black-and-white display;

1.2.3. Monochrome display;

1.2.4. The inverted display;

1.3. The firm block

1.3.1. Proportions;
1.3.2. The basic colour score;
1.3.3. A black-and-white colour score;
1.3.4. A monochrome colour score;
1.3.5. Use background  and substrates;

1.4. Fonts (selection of license fonts for headings and the basic text);

2. Creation of firm style: the business documentation

2.1. Forms

2.1.1. Vertical for the basic documents;
2.1.2. Vertical for the basic documents (the version for a fax);
2.1.3. Vertical for offers and letters;
2.1.4. Vertical for offers and letters (the version for a fax);
2.1.5. Horizontal for offers and letters;
2.1.6. Horizontal for offers and letters (the version for a fax);
2.1.7. Special for a fax;

2.2. The card

2.2.1. Corporate unilateral;
2.2.2. Corporate bilaterial;
2.2.3. Personal unilateral;
2.2.4. Personal bilaterial;

2.3. Envelopes

2.3.1. Format N-65 ("euro", 229 x 114 mm);
2.3.2. Format N-4 (324 x 229 mm);
2.3.3. Format N-5 (229 x 162 mm);

2.4. A folder for documents;

2.5. A diskette 3.5";

2.6. A written down compact disc of CD - R (a cover and "apple");

3. Creation of firm style: image and souvenir production

3.1. The daily log;

3.2. A notebook;

3.3. The card;

3.4. A package;

3.5. Bedj;

3.6. A label;

3.7. A wobbler;

3.8. The price list;

3.9. A support under a trifle;

3.10. Clothes and a uniform

3.10.1. Cap ;
3.10.2. A T-short (registration of obverse and return parts);
3.10.3. Tie;
3.10.4. A scarf;
3.10.5. An overalls;

3.11. Flags

3.11.1. Desktop;
3.11.2. A firm banner;

3.12. Utensils

3.12.1. A mug;
3.12.2. A glass;
3.12.3. A cup;
3.12.4. A plate;

3.13. A lighter;

3.14. The handle;

3.15. An ashtray;

3.16. A charm;

3.17. A trade mark - display to a cellular telephone;

3.18. A telephone plastic card;

4. Creation of firm style: recommendations on corporate design

4.1. The outdoor advertising

4.1.1. Peretjazhka;
4.1.2. Lajt-boxing;
4.1.3. A signboard;
4.1.4. Shtender;
4.1.5. Stella;
4.1.6. The street index;
4.1.7. The tablet before an input;
4.1.8. External registration of a shop;

4.2. Registration of interiors

4.2.1. Registration of office premises;
4.2.2. Registration of shops;
4.2.3. Room tablets;
4.2.4. Internal indexes;

4.3. Registration of motor transport

4.3.1. The car;
4.3.2. A van;
4.3.3. Cargo.

Ordering creation of this or that package of firm style, it is not necessary to forget about the future " graphic needs " the companies. Expansion of business or a field of activity can demand new missing elements.

A trade mark or the trademark

The trade mark is a graphic display of the name of firm or its products, services. It is the basic external identifier of the company or a brand. The name "trade mark" is formed from the Greek words "logos" ("word") and "Typos" ("print").

The trade mark or the trademark is the basic external identifier of the company or a brand. His role is difficult for overestimating. Trade marks are practically at all firms - from small enterprises up to transnational corporations. Trade marks meet us everywhere where we were. Different, color, Black-and-white, with the name and it is simple signs, florid and simple, good, is more often unsuccessful.

The trade mark or the trademark, from ArtDuet-design, will have some features. First, it precisely corresponds to a target audience of the client. Your consumers cannot be all population of the Earth. That is pleasant to pensioners, hardly is pleasant to students. Second, it is unique and as any normal identifier, will not be similar on any another. Thirdly, we are not inclined to to decorate drawing. The trade mark will be simple, the schedule, expressive, without the excessive details drawing on attention. As consequence - a trade mark will be remembered.

A Web-site

In our information age the stylish web-site corresponding to firm style of the company has an important role.

The stylish web-site is when each page of your publication has a strongly pronounced accessory to all web-site. When it is easy to be guided and information search is not connected to danger to lose the way and waste time. When pages are loaded less than for a minute. When...

Stylishness of a web-site is reached by several receptions. It is possible to allocate the following elements participating in creation of style:

  • A font - within the limits of the publication it should have identical characteristics - such, as set (tracing), a size (height), color.

  • The paragraph - it is desirable, that one of kinds of alignment on a page prevailed any, for example, the publication is made with a space from a left edge and alignment to the left.

  • The color scheme of a web-site - she begins with a choice of those three colors of page which are used for representation of the usual text, references and the visited references. All these parameters are specified in tege <body.>

    The color scheme should repeat on all pages of the publication, it will create sensation of connectivity of a site at the visitor. Colors of references try to choose so that, on the one hand, the reader saw, that it is the reference, and on the other hand, she would not prevent it to read the basic text. Concerning references there are two useful remarks: the first - as though to you would not be desirable to make colors of references and the visited references identical (without the weighty reasons on that), try to overcome itself and to give to them a few distinctions, for this purpose simply make colors of already visited references hardly darkest; and the second - so has turned out, that the underlined text in Web symbolizes the reference, therefore overcome a temptation to use the underlined text in the publication, take advantage in another way al You in fact know, that is very unpleasant, if, we admit, your hand was pulled to the reference with the purpose to read through a detail, and a mousy on it a zero of attention.

  • Graphic registration of a site - first, it should be stacked in the general color scheme; second, you should think over the general concept of graphic registration. All graphic elements can be divided into two big classes: sketch and photorealistic. Try to not mix these two types in registration. Besides in case you use on a site of a photo as illustrations before use process they be make in case of need tone and color correction, framing, choose the provisional size of photos in the publication, find a way to process edges of a photo. And then use the given registration under the publication. And always write explanatories to photos in parameter ALT tega IMG is it will be perceived as the signature to a photo and besides will relieve the user of expectation in case it is not interested with the given page.

  • Navigation on a site - she does not allow the visitor to get confused in a jungle of your site. Always leave for the visitor an opportunity of transition to the main page of the publication. Besides do not forget, that many people get on your pages through search systems, i.e. not on the first page, and the good site should allow to the reader to proceed to the first page; simply speaking, duplicate navigating system on all pages or make so that they, at least, had transition to the basic page. In case you carry out the navigating panel graphic means necessarily make its text copy and place somewhere from below (the text in any case is loaded faster schedules.

Observance of these simple rules will allow to give to your pages a professional kind and to make the information on your site readily available and fast search.


To specify cost of services and to ask all questions interesting you it is possible on t./095/263-23-13.


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